Buxton Annual Urban Intensive 2018

The Buxton Urban Intensive (also known as the All School Trip) is a unique, student-driven journey to a city of specific interest to the school.

During the weeks prior to the trip, all students and faculty are involved in preparations and appointment-setting in the host city. Students help book hotel rooms, buses and restaurants; plan activities, make connections and research local transportation. We wholly depend on and trust our students to execute the wide range of administrative and managerial tasks necessary to pull off a trip of this magnitude.

While on the trip, students intersperse visits to places of interest with community service, including performances of the ‘All School Play.’ Students are broken into different groups that each focus on a specific topic, such as making a documentary film of post-Katrina housing in New Orleans or studying the genesis of inner-city murals in Philadelphia.

This Year we are in Detroit where students are studying Art & Architecture, Urban Agriculture, Bankruptcy, Automobile Industry,  Music, Entrepreneurship, 1967 Rebellion, Gentrification, Criminal Justice, and Environmentalism!

Check out the slideshow below, and be sure to check back for photo updates! We’ve also embedded our instagram feed to this post. Be sure to follow us @buxton_school

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